Autographes et lettres reçus de Steve DeBerg (page 1 sur 2): |
Former NFL QB Steve DeBerg SUCCESS - 31 décembre 2020 Sent a LOR, a SASE, and 2 cards ('90 Topps and '92 Score). I received both cards back signed in black ink. Fast turnaround! (9 days). Sent: 12/17/20 Received: 12/26/20 Address used: Steve DeBerg 17920 Simms Rd Odessa, FL 33556 |
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Steve DeBerg Former NFL - 28 décembre 2020 Sent 2 Cards to Former Kansas City Chief QB Steve DeBerg On 12-15-20 Returned on 12-28-20 |
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NFL Steve DeBerg Success - 29 novembre 2020 Sent a LOR, SASE and 2 TCs to: Steven DeBerg 17920 Simms Rd Odessa, FL 33556 Sent: 11/16/20 Received: 11/28/20 |
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Steve DeBerg NFL Success #2 - 05 mars 2018 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to: Mr. Steve DeBerg 17920 Simms Rd. Odessa, FL 33556 Received my card back signed. This was the first attempt I made with him that I wrote off as lost and got a success with my second attempt. Sent: 11/16/15 Received: 3/5/18 Uploaded with Uploaded with |
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Steve DeBerg NFL Success - 09 décembre 2017 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to: Mr. Steve DeBerg 17920 Simms Rd. Odessa, FL 33556 Received my card back signed. Sent: 11/7/17 Received: 12/9/17 Uploaded with ###:// Uploaded with ###:// |
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